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중고등부 ( YOUTH)

중고등부 ( YOUTH)


중고등부영어예배 오전 10:00 지하 예배실
KUPCNJ Youth Group is a place for junior high and high school believers who grow in God to make their identity as
His children their motivation for their actions in the world. We believe that God calls us to be His disciples,
to follow after Christ, to serve Him, and delight in Him, and through this calling we love and serve our neighbors.
We believe and trust in the Word through the Holy Spirit to teach us and guide us in the way we should live,
and we strive to know God personally more and more everyday. 
Mary Roh (노졍민) 전도사 
Pastor Mary graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary in 2016 (M.Div.) and has served at KUPC as a Youth and
Children's pastor. She believes that God has a special love for the youngest of His children, and that their joy
in His presence is contagious and should be imitated. She also has a heart for the second-generation Korean community and their role in society as God's servants, called to love others and be the light and salt in the world. 







